Luigi’s Mansion: The Secret of the Hidden Cheese

Luigi’s Mansion: The Secret of the Hidden Cheese

Luigi’s mansion has been a favorite of mine ever since it’s release in 2001. As a launch title for the Gamecube, it had big expectations to live up to as a new game in the franchise. I traditionally replay this game every Halloween, yet I discovered a hidden “secret” in my most recent play through. I say “secret” because apparently this was a very well known game mechanic. I figured I’d share this knowledge incase anyone else was as clueless as I was.

There are 5 locations where there is hidden cheese throughout the mansion. Taking a picture of the cheese with your Game Boy Horror, triggers the appearance of a rare Golden Ghost mouse, which will then dash across the hallway for you to suck up in your vacuum.

This mouse dispenses a large amount of money, and this can help you get a higher letter ranking at the end of the game. The golden mouse appeared several times for me without taking a photo of the cheese, so I always assumed it was a randomly triggered event. This block of Swiss is located in the Study behind the desk, The Fortune Teller’s room behind the chair, the Dining room behind the chair, the Tea room behind the left table, and the Safari room behind the crates. Knowing about these cheeses is sure to make my next game Gouda! Good luck ghost hunting everyone!

Bowser Accessory Tutorial!

If you wanna be as fashionable as the Koopa King, you are going to need these supplies:

White Model Magic

EVA Foam Mat




Strong Scissors

Sewing Flat top pins

Hot glue

Two 2″ hair clips

Sticky Velcro

Heat gun

Bowsers Horns:

1.) Pull off a piece of model magic for the desired size of your horn and shape it into a curved spike. Do this twice.

2.) Roll out a long strip of the clay and wrap it around the bottom of both spikes. Use your finger to make a small inch long indent on the bottom of the spike, this will be used to hold the clip later on. Let harden for a few days

3.) Paint both horns with Gesso and let dry

4.) Paint horns white or yellow depending on your preference, let dry. Paint the bottoms of the spike a light brown or peachy yellow to create a gradient from white to off white on the horn. Let dry.

5.) Paint the bottom edges you rolled Orange, being careful not to touch the white.

6.) Once dry, cover with matte or glossy varnish to seal the paint.

7.) Take your hairclips and hotglue them to the horns.

DONE! Now you have awesome bowser horns to wear with your cosplay or just for fun!

Bowser Collar:

1.) Take your eva foam mat and cut a strip off in the desired thickness you want for your collar. Wrap the strip around your neck to get a measurement for where to cut it.

2.) Once cut to size, use the heat gun to heat up the foam and then warp it into a curve that will fit your neck. DO NOT USE HEAT GUN ON YOUR SKIN.

3.) Make Spikes: Use model magic and shape about 6 or 7 spikes and let harder for 2 days. Paint the spikes white or silver and seal with varnish.

4.) Paint the Collar black and seal when dry.

5.) Take the flat top pins and poke through the collar where you want the spikes to be. Use 3 pins in a triangle for each spike. Hot glue the pins in place and let dry.

6.) Hot-glue the bottom of each spike and press it down onto the pins. This should prevent them falling off.

7.) Cut a section of sticky velcro and attach one to each end of the collar.

DONE! Now you are ready to wear it!

More Nintendo Cosplay Tutorials coming soon!

Bowser, Quit clowning around!

Bowser, Quit clowning around!

The fearsome ruler of the Koopas has always been a big, scary guy. Kidnapping the princess what seems like daily and running an entire army can really harden a turtle’s shell. However, Bowser has a sensitive side, and recently his fear of clowns was revealed! After bursting into the wedding hall in Super Mario Odyssey, you confront the Koopa King himself. If you are wearing the Clown costume that you can buy at the Crazy Cap, Bowser addresses you in an interesting way.

Weird that the fearless Bowser would be afraid of something like clowns, though actually it makes a lot of sense! If we look back to Super Mario World, Bowser used to own a Clown mobile which he rode around to terrorize Mario. He must have though that everyone was afraid of Clowns, and did his best to build the scariest thing he could imagine.


Now a days, he passed on his clown car to his son, Bowser Jr. He uses it to travel and ward off enemies, while trying to make his father proud.

Super Mario Odyssey: Princess Peach’s Runway Debut!

Super Mario Odyssey: Princess Peach’s Runway Debut!

Super Mario Odyssey has skyrocketed to the top of my Video game favorites list within the first 3 hours of playing it. This game is Nintendo’s love letter to the fans, bringing back the open world style of Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine, while implementing amazing graphics and beautiful sound design. In Odyssey, you travel the world with your hat shaped companion Cappy to rescue the Princess and her Tiara from being forced to marry Bowser! (Although I always thought they would make a good couple.) On your adventure you meet several adorable NPCs in different kingdoms, while on a mission to collect Power moons to power up your ship to make it to Bowser! He had stolen various wedding supplies from each kingdom an it is now your job to get them back. Beating the game is relatively easy, as many of the moons you must collect are optional. After beating the game is where the true game begins! After busting into the wedding hall and stopping Bowser once and for all, the princess returns to the Mushroom kingdom, packs her bags, and sets off with her sentient Tiara on a adventure of their own terms! Princess Peach packed accordingly, as the outfits she wears to each of the kingdoms are absolutely stunning! You can visit her in each of the kingdoms wearing these fabulous outfits and she will give you a moon for free! How sweet of her! I wouldn’t be surprised if the next game was titled, “Super Princess Peach 2: Fashion Entrepreneur”.